Our project
Discover OUR LETTER to the residents of forest

Dear Forest residents,

In Forest, candidates from MR and DéFI have decided to join forces for the upcoming communal elections taking place on 13 October 2024.

Why? Because the current state of affairs within our commune requires us to put party differences aside. Because we share priorities and agree on the action to be taken to make Forest safer, more attractive, more mobile, cleaner and better managed. Because we want its residents to stay in Forest, live well there and be proud of their commune.

We wish to see an end to the current Ecolo-PS coalition government which bears a heavy responsibility for the deteriorated financial situation of our commune, a significant increase in property taxes and the resulting drop in the purchasing power of Forest residents, a deterioration of safety and cleanliness in our neighborhoods, a lack of genuine consultation in the dogmatic development of Good Move plans and overall poor governance.

“More security”, “tax justice”, “good governance”, “citizen consultation” must be more than catchwords; they must become a concrete reality. We must move away from mere slogans, dogmatic decisions, and pre-determined outcomes of consultation.

The outgoing Ecolo-PS majority will undoubtedly oversell its achievements and blame the current difficulties our commune is facing on the crisis, the war, climate change... So many excuses that no longer convince anyone.

To say that nothing positive has been achieved in last years, however, would be misleading. MR and DéFI will, for example, continue to support the flagship renovation project of Forest Abbey which, we wholeheartedly hope, will bring new life to the centre of Forest, and improve its cultural and commercial attractiveness.

Our program is squarely focused on the future. Beyond the 100 proposals that we put forward, MR + DéFI plan to mainstream, throughout all its work, the objectives of health, accessibility, safety, sustainable development, gender equality and equal opportunities.

The MR + DéFI list brings together 37 candidates with a variety of backgrounds, experienced professionals and motivated citizens, Dutch speakers and European nationals. Our point in common: embodying the change desired by so many people in Forest.

This October 13, make your voice heard and be part of the change.

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